Three lessons for rights holders from the Olympic Games

While many rights holders focus on growing inventory, splitting out men’s and women’s competitions, and trying to create appointment-to-view premium matches, there are three lessons they can take from the enduring success of the Olympic Games ‘product’:

  • The value of scarcity: the Summer Olympics occupy just 1% of the 1461 days in a four year period. Scarcity strengthens the stories behind the teams and athletes, and makes it unmissable for both athletes and fans.
  • The value of equality: there are no men’s and women’s medal tables – a gold is worth the same for both genders. This significantly broadens the appeal of the Games.
  • The value of something, somewhere: the simultaneous broadcast of dozens of events means that should any one event lack excitement the probability is that something somewhere else will offer excitement instead. This is also the principle of the hugely successful NFL RedZone.

Chief Intelligence Officer

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