Protecting Premier League Jeopardy
The Premier League is the world’s greatest domestic football competition:
- Quality: It is the highest quality domestic league in the world: 16 of the world’s top 25 players according TFG’s player ratings call the Premier League home
- Jeopardy: Its title race – perhaps the key narrative of any sporting competition – is alive for longer and decided later than Europe’s other ‘Big Five’ leagues
- Connection: It has the biggest following of any domestic competition – the average club has more than double the number of social media followers than the average club in Serie A, Ligue 1 and Bundesliga combined
That the Premier League is a great product is evidenced through the relative value of its media rights, with league revenues dwarfing that of its rivals. Protecting what makes the product great – quality, jeopardy, connection – will be critical to ensuring the Premier League remains the world’s dominant domestic football league for years to come.
By Ben Marlow
Chief Strategy Officer